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We are thrilled to share that we have partnered with RSL (RockSchool Ltd) as an official affiliate retailer. Here you will find links to materials for the RSL Graded Exam in Music Production, Professional Development Qualifications and more!
Since 1991, Rockschool has been at the heart of offering ground breaking qualifications that push the bar in the contemporary arts. Now 30 years on, RSL is equipping musicians with the industry relevant skills and offering an array of qualifications in a variety of disciplines.
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Graded Exams in Music Production

The Rockschool Music Production Grade books contains everything you need to pass your Graded Exams, featuring a diverse range of production techniques, highly relevant technical DAW skills, and the fundamental music theory needed to succeed in today's industry.
From 2018 the coursework assessment tasks allow you to prepare 60% of exam in your own Music Production Software. During the exam you’ll bring your mixed project and screen shots to the examination and upload after completing the listening and theory questions.
Download the RockSchool Sample Pack here. This interactive booklet contains examples of coursework tasks to give you a flavour of the progression students can expect to enjoy as they engage with the syllabus. Learners can be taught individually or in groups. The Rockschool Music Production graded exam syllabus can be taught using any appropriate hardware and DAW.
Rockschool Music Production: Coursework Edition provides aspiring producers and engineers with the most accessible music production graded syllabus. On completion of a Rockschool Music Production grade, every candidate will own a wealth of technical, practical and theoretical knowledge that they can apply to real-world scenarios - whether it's in audio production, electronic music production, mixing, editing, mastering or sound for media.