Elliott Smith
TiME Consultant
Elliott Smith is the creator of the music classroom and homework website TeachingGadget.com.
With over 20 years of teaching experience, across all sectors, Elliott has developed hundreds of self marking games and interactive activities designed to save music teachers valuable time.
What is Teaching Gadget?
Teaching Gadget is home to hundreds of interactive music resources. All games, songs, quizzes and activities have been specially designed by a team of instrumental specialists to give you or your class the best possible educational experience. Teaching Gadget is fun, engaging and packed full of resources that can be teacher led or be used to facilitate students working independently.
Teaching Gadget is already endorsed by over 600 Primary and Secondary schools across the UK, North America and International Schools elsewhere. Individual learners also benefit from the site by learning to play an instrument from home. Many of our users are local authorities, HUBS and private instrumental tutors.